
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have to wait to confirm a booking?

A service representative will contact you within 24 hours with a confirmation.

Does Educational Excursions provide chaperone support?

No. But we will work with teachers, administrators, and support staff to ensure there will be enough adult supervision.

What should I do if I cannot log in to book a trip?

Please contact a customer support representative either via email or telephone for assistance.

What do I need to do to cancel my reserved trip?

Please contact a customer support representative either via email or telephone for assistance.

If I am going to cancel my trip, how soon do I have to notify Educational Excursions?

We generally would like for you to contact us as soon as possible but certain planned excursions have specific deadlines that must be adhered to.

Does Educational Excursions assist with the planning of overseas trips, camping trips, or overnight field trips?

Yes . . .

How can I receive permission slips to give to my students for my trip?

You can either download them from of "Trip Forms" page or you can have a customer service representative assist you with the completion of all necessary forms.

Can students who do not have signed permission slips go on a trip?

No . . . Due to insurance liabilities students without a permission slip are not allowed to go.

Who should I contact if a student leaves the group without permission?

First contact your Principal, Assistant Principal or designated contact person and then Educational Excursions--we will provide you with any assistance we can to resolve this situation.

Can I have directions for my trip emailed to me?

Yes... all details regarding any trip booked through Educational Excursions will include directions as well as any other pertinent information.

What if there is a travel emergency?

You should contact your Principal and Assistant Principal immediately. If it is really serious you must call 911 immediately.

Is there a fee to book on our site?

We do not charge service fees for booking on our website.

How do I change or cancel my reservation?

To change or cancel your trip, please call or email Educational Excursions directly, and we'll be happy to assist. Please note that some trips require deposits which are non-refundable and have fees that cannot be waived.

How do I pay for my planned trip?

All payments for any trip must be authorized by your Principal and paid directly to the organization or business you are planning to visit. Please check your school's policy regarding the handling of money and trip.

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